Odor free Flammable liquid paste wholesalers

This material will be produced using different formulas in both solid and liquid form. A solid piece of incendiary gel can burn 600 to 950 grams of charcoal. It should be noted that these gels will not be harmful to humans and the environment. Flammable gels are highly flammable and odorless. Flammable gels are easy and safe to maintain, so they can be used in public places. For more information on Odor free Flammable liquid paste please visit our site.

Odor free Flammable liquid paste wholesalers

what is Odor free Flammable liquid paste ?

what is Odor free Flammable liquid paste ? Global trade is a very good way to export and import and achieve profitability. Have sufficient experience in the field with accurate information transmission. Iran imports incendiary gel products from countries like Turkey and China and exports them to its neighbors Afghanistan and Iraq, but not doing so will cause problems. The flammable gel produced in our country is manufactured using the world standard, the use of which will certainly not harm the environment or people.

Important points in the use of incendiary gel These gels are suitable for indoor and outdoor use, but there are a few things to keep in mind Never use these gels without first care Before lighting the fire, be sure to secure the wood and incendiary materials and be sure to light the fire in a safe, smooth and strong place. Be careful not to return flammable materials such as wood and when they are on fire.

It is better not to light a fire when it rains or strong winds. Make sure to use this type of gel in its own container and never mix the gels or pour them into another container or bottle. The gel bottle should be kept in a safe place.

It is used to light charcoal and firewood at picnics, fireplaces, stoves, and barbecues. Interestingly, without the presence of coal and other fuels, this product is flammable and can be used optimally, and every 200 grams of this product burns for 2-3 hours. Currently, pet dishes for burning charcoal and metal utensils for cooking food are used to burn this product.

This product can be a good alternative to incendiary materials because it does not produce a special contamination. It is odorless and smokeless and ignites when the fire is placed near it and, unlike coal and other incendiary materials, it no longer takes time and takes up little space. It can certainly be said that in the coming years, instead of industrial alcohol, it will be able to be used by the public. For more information on Odor free Flammable liquid paste bulk please visit our site.

Odor free Flammable liquid paste at wholesale price

Odor free Flammable liquid paste at wholesale price Odor free Flammable liquid paste at wholesale price is very affordable and customers are completely satisfied with this product, since the main price of this product is affected by currency fluctuations, but our collection distributes this product at a reasonable price throughout the country You can visit our site to buy.


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